
How does project libre calcuate durations?

September 21, 2015 - 08:14 am
2 comment(s)

I have a project with 1 task.  It is a fixed work task that has a WORK of 8 hrs.

I assign it a resource which works 4 hr/day.


I expect the duration to be 2 days.  Instead, the duration is 1 day and the resource is shown as 200% allocated on that day on the resource histogram.


How would I make Project Libre spread that 8 hr task over 2 days as it should?



As a test I made a new project

I added one task...set it to Fixed Work and set the work to 24hrs.  The task shows a 3day duration

I added two resources GUY1 who use the 24 hours calendar and GUY2 who used the standard calendar to the project.


I assigned GUY1 to the task. The project recalculates as it should.  The task now takes 1 day and the work is still 24 hours.


Then I remove (delete) that resource.  Suddenly the work cahnges to 8 hours.

If instead of removeing the resource I change the resource to GUY2, the work also changes to 8 hours.


This seems like a critical bug.


September 24, 2015 - 05:33 am

As I mentioned, all tasks have been changed to Fixed Work.  This then necessitates it be effort driven.


At that point, a chnage to the resources added should modify the duation of the task.  It does not.