
Need a little help regarding resource persons

January 22, 2015 - 17:43 pm
4 comment(s)

Hi there :)

I would like to add one primary resource person and several secondary resource persons to one project task. Is that possible? As for now it seems that the resource persons are listed equally and in randem order.

Thanks so much for your help!



January 27, 2015 - 05:11 am

In the PMBOK and PM you assign a resource (not conditional resource) to a task unless it is a holding resource.  I am not sure what you are trying to perform....

January 27, 2015 - 19:16 pm

Hi OB.

Thanks for answering. Can you please explain your answer in plain terms? I'm not sure what PMBOK and PM, holding resource is...

When I look at the gantt overview I have added up to several resource persons regarding one project task which comes up at the right side of the chart. I would like one resource person to be the 'responsible one' and the others to act as helpers for the first. 

In reality most project tasks are carried out with the help from several persons. 

Also I'm looking for a way to create a report for one person in s certain time interval eg. spring 2015. Is that possible?

Thanks for answering :)

February 15, 2015 - 03:31 am


I also think it would be very interesting the possibility of associating one responsible for a task.