

Part-Time Resources

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I have a question regarding the best way to reflect part time workers in a project.


i.e. I have someone working three days a week. With that he will probably take 3 weeks to complete a task.

Do I have to split his task into 3 separate ones, or do I have to divide his hourly costs to reflect this?


Filter resource by name

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I would like to ask if there is any possibility to filter resources by name. I mean, I have hundreds of tasks that are assigned to different resources (Task 1 to resources A+B, Task 2 to resources B+C, Task 3 to resources A+C, Task 4 to resource B, etc...) and I want to know what should do resource B this week - that he should do Task 1, Task 2 and Task 4.

I know that there is a feature to filter by resources, but then I have 20 different groups (Resource A, Resource B, Resources A+B, Resources A+C, etc..), where I have to look one by one for the specific Resource B.

Thank you!



Request: Some options

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I would like to request a feature that my Project users are clammering for.


1. I would like to request that the tasks be able to populate into the Gantt chart field (like resources do now) without having to have to retype the tasks into the resources fields


2. Also a user defined print date range. right now, it seems like a print is the entire schedule. I have some construction PMs that want to print the next two weeks, or next month. PLEASE!!!!


3. Lastly for now - Can you make an option to remove the date stamps from the start and finish columns when printing, or at all times?


I appreciate the help of this community for all their knowledge. 




Limited Resources and Task Completion Calc

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Hi, I am new to ProjectLibre. I am wondering how to solve the following problem of a resource having a limited input on a project per day and the resultant period over which that task would be completed.


Resource1 works 1 hours on a project per day.

Task duration = 8 hours.

Therefore, Task completion time should be 8 working days. If it started 30.10.13 then it would be completed 08.11.13 (8 working days later).

How do I implement this?

I had been trying to set the Resource Availability using "Max. Units" and setting it to 6% to give an approximate restricted use.

However, when setting "Task Information" and the "Work:" at 8 hours, I expected the dialog to automatically show the Duration to be 8 days based on the assigned Resource. 

You can set the Duration manually for 8 days and the Work at 8 hours. Is that the correct way of managing things?

I wonder if it should be somehow automatic depending on the Resource's contribution to a project on a daily basis.

Hope this makes sense!

Thanks for contributions in advance.




Basic question re Resources allocation

2 comment(s)

Hi all,

Here is the little scenario I would like to clarify:

1. I create a 10 days task T1 with all default settings ( type= fixed units, duration=80hours, workload=80 hours)

2. If I assign one resource R1 to it, resource is allocated for 100% for the duration of the task. So far, so good.

3A. If I remove the resource R1 and THEN reassign 2 resources R1 and R2, both are allocated for 100% and the duration of the task drops to 40hours/5 days (task work remains unchanged at 80hours). So far, still good.

3B. Now, if instead of removing R1 first, I keep R1 assigned to T1 and add R2, then both resources are assigned to T1 for 100% but the duration of the task drops to 20hours and the work for the task drops to 40 hours.I would have expected the result of 3B to be the same as 3A.

Could someone please help me clarify what I am missing ?

Thank you.



Roll-up resources in a team?

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Newbie to both project planning and PL here, So apologies if this is a dumb question. But I'm a believer that the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.


I have a resource called "Team A"

Indented under Team A, I have individual resources "Bob", "Cathy", and "David"

Task 1 is assigned to Team A, taking 120 hours to complete. Bob, Cathy, and David are interchangeable resources for this task, and can work concurrently on it.

Task 2 is assigned to Bob, takes 64 hours and starts at the same time as Task 1

Task 3 is assigned to Cathy, takes 32 hours and starts after Task 2

Task 4 is assigned to David, takes 24 hours, and starts after Task 3


I am using fixed work tasks.


What I would like to see in this simplisitc scheduling problem is

Bob working on Task 2 for eight days, while Cathy and David work on Task 1

Cathy works on Task 3 for 4 days while Bob and David work on Task 1

David works on Task 4 for 3 days, while Bob and Cathy work on Task 1, and all four tasks get completed in three weeks.


What I get is the one-person tasks being completed in the expected 3 weeks, but Task 1 completed in 6 weeks. Knowing the answer, I can assign 200% of Team A to task 1 to make it display right, but is there any way to have PL figure this out?