
ProjectLibre downloaded in all North, Central and South American countries (with one exception)

September 6, 2012 - 07:53 am
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The North, Central and South  American user community has been very strong with early downloads and involvement.  It is very much appreciated!  We have downloads now in every country except Suriname.  If you have any friends in Suriname, alert them of ProjectLibre!   We have also reached out to the Project Management Institute chapters.   We will be attending a number of PMI chapter meetings via the web.  Our goal is to continue growing the project management discipline.  Having a free, open source project management solution should be a major help in this regard.  

We do have a beta coming out this weekend that will fix the major issues reported so far.  We are looking for assistance with documentation.  Once again, great response and the feedback has been excellent! 


Best regards,


Marc & Team