
Timeline in minutes/hours

4 comment(s)


I am using "projectlibre" for a project that last just a few hours.

Using zoom in/ zoom out options, it is possible to  change the visible scale, but it is not enough to see the Gantt chart in detail.


6 comment(s)

Is there any license of using ProjectLibre on Client pc. llike Windows 7/xp. Is it fully FREE , pls confirm

New Layout

2 comment(s)

I'm new to ProjectLibre from OpenProj which no longer seems to be working. I'm glad to see it now opens .pod files, but the new the interface is a let down.

Adding Costs

9 comment(s)


I am new to ProjectLibre and i would like to add costs to my Gantt chart. I have seen the $0.00 section but cannt find where to put this in. 

Improvements / Bug

0 comment(s)

Good morning / evening (depending where you are)

I would like first to thank sall the team for this work, and real alternative to MS project.

nevertheless, I would like to add comments regarding somme issues I found while using it: