
ProjectLibre Cloud use-case feedback requested

May 30, 2021 - 02:51 am
2 comment(s)
ProjectLibre Cloud Dashboard

We are asking for feedback on how you will use the upcoming ProjectLibre Cloud Beta?  We are interested in industries and project needs in the browser. 

The ProjectLibre Cloud solution is making signficant progress.  We are working on role based permissions and access.  We are using ProjectLibre Cloud internally.

ProjectLibre Dashboard


August 13, 2021 - 04:41 am

I work with 306 Mayan Communities thatuse a number of central resources. For example, we are putting in Walter filtration and delivery (piping to households) services for several communities with between 20 and 100 residentes. In terms of resources we have limited vehicle resources etc. Can Projects be Linked that are manager by different project managers so that resources can be properly assigned so as not to have conflicts. So if one project needs a resource on one day it can be frozen out of other Projects on that day. Will there be the ability for a central approvals of any allocation, change etc. I guess I am looking at a managerial hierarchy possibly