
Keyboard Shortcuts

June 16, 2021 - 00:41 am
6 comment(s)

Thank you to community member Andy Hough who compiled a list of our Keyboard Shortcuts in ProjectLibre: a big help for project manager's efficiency with documenting the keyboard shortcuts.  We appreciate the community contributions and looking to improve the documenation and translations.

Note: Mac it is the Command instead of Ctrl

Scrolling the Gantt Spreadsheet

    FN down arrow and FN up arrow to vertically scroll the tasks in spreadsheet

    FN left/right arrows to scroll horizonally in the spreadsheet



Ctrl + G Find

Ctrl + F Find again

Ctrl + Z Undo

Ctrl + Y Redo

Ctrl + N New Project

Ctrl + O Open Project

Ctrl + S Save

Ctrl + P Print


Task Related Shortcuts


Ctrl + I Ins Insert Task

Ctrl + . Indent Task

Ctrl + , Outdent Task

Ctrl + +

Ctrl + = Expand Task children

Ctrl + – Collapse Task children


Thank you again to all in the community that contribute. We will get this in the documenation as well.