Keyboard Shortcuts
Thank you to community member Andy Hough who compiled a list of our Keyboard Shortcuts in ProjectLibre: a big help for project manager's efficiency with documenting the keyboard shortcuts. We appreciate the community contributions and looking to improve the documenation and translations.
Note: Mac it is the Command instead of Ctrl
Scrolling the Gantt Spreadsheet
FN down arrow and FN up arrow to vertically scroll the tasks in spreadsheet
FN left/right arrows to scroll horizonally in the spreadsheet
Ctrl + G Find
Ctrl + F Find again
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + N New Project
Ctrl + O Open Project
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + P Print
Task Related Shortcuts
Ctrl + I Ins Insert Task
Ctrl + . Indent Task
Ctrl + , Outdent Task
Ctrl + +
Ctrl + = Expand Task children
Ctrl + – Collapse Task children
Thank you again to all in the community that contribute. We will get this in the documenation as well.
Shortcut for switching between files
Is there a short to switch between multiple files?
In reply to Shortcut for switching between files by cgokul
Multiple Projects open .... switch in top right corner
ProjectLibre Cloud will be a multi-project solution. ProjectLibre desktop is primarily for single projects at a time but if you have multiple open can quickly change with the drop down box in the top right corner of the screen.
Is it possible Collapse all tasks and Child Tasks with one key?
Hello all, thanks for the great software.
I am using it for multiple Projects on one sheet.
I am wondering if it is possible to collapse all Tasks and Child Tasks easily, i.e. without having to highlight each and every Parent Task.
Thanks for any info, ideas or suggestions.
In reply to Is it possible Collapse all tasks and Child Tasks with one key? by Christoff
Collapsing tasks at Summary level
Thank you for the question..... it is hierarchical so if your structure is set up with example 5 levels of WBS (indent) then you can go to a level such as 2 and collapse and all levels 3, 4, 5 below it are collapased. That may not be what you are looking for but will work to remove some key strokes.
is there a shortcut for new column?
Great work, thanks!
Interesting question but no...due to it popping up a dialog box
ProjectLibre's adding a column is different than a spreadsheet where you are adding a generic column. We open a dialog box where you select a field to be added. It is a bit different but good idea.