

Filter resource by name

3 comment(s)


I would like to ask if there is any possibility to filter resources by name. I mean, I have hundreds of tasks that are assigned to different resources (Task 1 to resources A+B, Task 2 to resources B+C, Task 3 to resources A+C, Task 4 to resource B, etc...) and I want to know what should do resource B this week - that he should do Task 1, Task 2 and Task 4.

I know that there is a feature to filter by resources, but then I have 20 different groups (Resource A, Resource B, Resources A+B, Resources A+C, etc..), where I have to look one by one for the specific Resource B.

Thank you!



Late/over-budget task filter

1 comment(s)

Anyone know what the program is using to trigger the Late/over-budget task filter?  I can't see to get it to do anything.  I would think that any task marked 100% after the finish date would be the criteria, but this is obviously not the case.  Thanks.


Filtering resources

2 comment(s)

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone will be able to tell me whether or not in the resource usage view if i can filter it into alphabetical order for the tasks under the resource?
