tasks end at the same time


Can I have a backward scheduled task in a forward scheduled project?

3 comment(s)

Quick question; I'm not sure I'm phrasing this right but, is there a way to have a backward scheduled task... in a forward scheduled project?  In other words; my project is primarily forward scheduled; where Task B is typically set to begin when the previous task (say: Task A...) is completed... but there are a few tasks, between which I would like to set up a dependency such that Task N is set to be *completed* AT THE SAME TIME that the previous task (Task M) is also completed. I'm pretty sure I could just establish a set free floating completion date for Task N, to match the completion date for Task M... but then it wouldn't be “dependent” on Task M, and if the dates for the rest of the project shifted, Task N would just be left free floating, without any relationship to the rest of the project...  Can this be done?  Thanks!