
Date Format

June 29, 2013 - 20:23 pm
1 comment(s)
It is unfortunate that Project Libre does not have the facility to change the start and finish date formats to Day/Month/Year and the option to remove the time

1 Comment

August 17, 2013 - 15:34 pm

I totally agree Barry, it would help simplify the program a great deal.

When a project like the one i am working on (Construction of a Substation Civil Works) is over a period of 24 months then I assign physical tasks in 3 ways:

1) Full days work 1
2) Half Days Work 0.5
3) Quarter Days Work 0.25

It would help me a great deal if they could just create a rounding off button, so that the day could not be 1.333451 days. In the real work no one with a practical sence can work out how long that is just by glancing at it.