
adapt workload to users disponibility

January 26, 2013 - 01:19 am
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I've been tesing ProjectLibre and I find it very usefull, so first thanks guys. I will use it for teaching, so I will spread its use.


When defining a task, there is an estimated workload (lets say 40hrs) that automatically is translated to days (5 days for 40 hours)

If I can only assign 50% of a user then it should expand the number of days to 10.  And does that only once the user is assigned 100% and the number or hours is reduced

Also if a user is present 100% in many tasks there is any way to exapand the time of the tasks so that the user has a total load of 100% if I do it manually I have to do it for the full task and is a bit complicated.
