
Global User Group

The ProjectLibre team is fostering a vibrant international community of users.  You can keep up to date by joining the Global User Group. We will post updates, news, events, blogs and many other specific informative in the Regional User Groups.  We look forward to your joining the ProjectLibre community!

Global User Group
October 18, 2012 - 19:36 pm
2 comment(s)


Hi.  I'm a new user and I have two questions:

October 18, 2012 - 14:49 pm
0 comment(s)

program start, command terminal error output

projectlibre opts: fileNames: -reuseview POD Version: 1.5.1 local version 1.5.1 updated=false java version=1.7.0 Invalid item: ProjectLibre it must be a menu item in the menu properties, even if it's only shown in a toolbar Invalid item: Palette it
October 7, 2012 - 07:06 am
4 comment(s)

Colors for each task

Hey guys,

It would be great if we can assign a color (or background color) for the tasks. Please consider adding this feature.