
Calendar Start Time

May 8, 2013 - 06:03 am
3 comment(s)

I am running Linux Mint with ProjectLibre. I am trying to change the workday time. I can get to the screen required and create a Special Calendar, but ProjectLibre will not accept revised start and finish times.

UPDATE: I figured out that you have to define the days on your calendar that covers the duration of the project in order to be able to change the start and finish time. I then assign the new cendar to the resources that use it. However, now I cannot save the calendar with the revised start and finish times.  Help?


Bob N


May 8, 2013 - 08:28 am

Hi Bob,

I run ProjectLibre on Linux as well and did not see the issue.... if you try this..

  1. Highlight the M so all Mondays are selected
  2. click on the radio button for non-standard time
  3. Change the hours
  4. Click OK


All the Mondays will be changed... you can alter it back but that should work on changing the calendar


May 9, 2013 - 04:36 am

Hi OB, thanks for responding. I followed the steps you suggested and I was able to change the start and finish time. After I clicked OK, I reopened the calendar and the time reverted back to the default values. I assume that clicking OK saves the calendar changes? I am on the "Task" tab when I open the calendar. I am not sure if that matters. Great Product - I love it


UPDATE: I purchased the ProjectLibre User Guide Reference Manual by Vaughn Smith. On page 270 of this manual I found the following bug reported regarding entering custom hours. "In some circumstances. despite entering custom values, the program does not save them initially. They must be re-entered a second time." I am guessing that my problem entering custom values (Hours) has to do with this bug. If anyone can add anything to this issue, it would be helpful. 

Bob N

May 14, 2013 - 07:38 am

Hi Bob,


That is interesting... I actually have not read the manual as we are trying to get the community manual finished.  We'll check into the calendar. 


