
Few questions

May 28, 2013 - 14:54 pm
2 comment(s)

Dear all,

I am new in using this software so I have a few questions about some funcionality:

1. Task information/Advanced       WBS- when codes are entered I don't see where are they used. Are they shown in some reports? Where?

2. Task information/Advanced      Type/Fixed Units- which units is this referred to?

3. Task information/Advanced      Type/Effort driven- don't realise how this impacts on enything. On what sections thas this apply?

4. Task information/Resources     Work countor- What are the differences in several options that can be chosen?

5. Resources information/General    Email adress- can I send an information to somebody that I entered his email. Reminder for an assigned task.

6. Resources information/General    RBS- when codes are entered I don't see where are they used. Are they shown in some reports? Where?

7. Resources information/General    Generic- don't realise how this impacts on enything. On what sections thas this apply?


Thanks in advance for help


May 28, 2013 - 21:48 pm


Hello, Question 1. This numbering inserted is displayed in a table column called WBS tasks - Work Basic Structure to insert this column sure you are in Tasks - Gantt and right click on one of the columns, Insert Column and locate the WBS. The most practical method is to insert the desired number directly by the column, once you enter and display information at the same time.  Question 2. The task type fixed units or fixed assets has a fixed value, they will not be affected by any change in the amount of work performed or the duration of the task. Question 3. The information on this effort directed Advanced Job Information - Directed Effort is applied to Units - "Resources", or length, to facilitate the understanding I would give an example of a way to prioritize the tasks or the most important features of a project. To see what jobs have led the effort that is sure to Tasks - Gantt and click with the right mouse button on one of the columns, Insert Column and locate the directed effort. Question 4. Fixed term is used when the duration of the activity needs to happen within a set time. Example 5 days a trip that will happen this time. Fixed work is used when you want to take control of hours, it changes the duration and units. Attached units when the amount of resources is fixed, eg have three people to perform this activity. To insert the Type column, make sure you are in Tasks - Gantt and click with the right mouse button on one of the columns, Insert Column and locate the type. Question 5. This type of reminder is not standard, where I work we chose to filter the activities that need to be reported and sent by regular mail. But this process is manual. To make the filter access the View - Filter. Question 6. This numbering inserted is displayed in a table column called RBS Resources - Resource Basic Structure to insert this column that is sure Resources - Resources and click with the right mouse button on one of the columns, Insert Column and locate the RBS. The most practical method is to insert the desired number directly by the column, once you enter and display information at the same time. Question 7. The generic option is used when there is not even the final name of the resource, eg, I can register the resource Project Manager while I do not know if the Mihjlo will be responsible for this activity. It is widely used to make estimates of time.  Hope this helps.

May 30, 2013 - 12:54 pm

Hi Mihajlo

to add a little to the extensive answer of Hezequias Vasco...

to see some benit in using WBS, you will have to define some main tasks and sub tasks

after that it will show in the Gantt diagram.

also you can click the Task Tab and Network button and you will see the task ordered by the main task (WBS) , and clicking the WBS button will show the relations in the WBS as you have   defined.

Same you can do to indicate the RBS in the   resources , later you may see the effect in the Tab Resource and button  RBS.

In report  and selecting Resource information, you will see the RBS column appearing, if you have defined it of course