
Libre in Hungarian language

March 25, 2014 - 21:09 pm
1 comment(s)


I have installed the Libre and so far - no issues in use. However, many of us, in the company, don't speak English so the main problem in use is the language barierre. I am wondering, is there some solution for this (so far haven't found any extension or whatsoever for tanslation)?

As a multilingual person this way I offer my help in translation to Hungarian dashboard.



1 Comment

March 28, 2014 - 08:45 am

That sounds great!  It would be great to get  your assistance.  Here is the link.  https://docs.google.com/a/projectlibre.com/document/d/1xfgHr9jx-YEPVI8kU4q74VFMAcGgAmVaWACHkyT5CGc/edit?usp=sharing