
Outdent of existing Task causes incorrect reordering

June 20, 2013 - 06:09 am
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I created a long series of tasks, all indented to the second indent position. Within these tasks at the same level, I typed the task names for both summary tasks and the individual tasks, e.g. all of the following was listed at the same level

Summary Task 1
SubTask 1A
SubTask 1B
SubTask 1C
Summary Task 2
SubTask 2A
SubTask 2B
SubTask 2C
Summary Task 3
SubTask 3A
SubTask 3B
SubTask 3C

I expected to then be able to go back up to certain tasks and outdent them to the first indent level, establishing the summary tasks. In the above example, I selected the Summary Task 2 row, then clicked the outdent button. Instead of creating a summary task, Summary Task 2 was moved all the way to the end of the list, outdented, but no longer above the subtasks, which stayed put. Even more oddly, the row number of Summary Task 2 used to be row 5, and even though it was moved all the way to the end of the list, it stayed row 5 (it now jumps from row 4 to row 6). Exposing the ID column shows that the ID 5 stayed with Summary Task 2 also (at least that was expected).

Am I missing something? This seems like a massive bug so I can't imagine I'm the only one hitting it. The only workaround I'm seeing is to outdent everything first to the summary task indent level, then indent the subtasks.


I apologize if this isn't the right place to post bug questions but it's confusing to me that there's a discussion board on both projectlibre.org and on the projectlibre sourceforge site (https://sourceforge.net/p/projectlibre/discussion/).