bug reports


Multiple Predecessors & Tasks Dialog

7 comment(s)

Checking out ProjectLibre and it looks quite promising.

Does ProjectLibre support multple task predecessors?  It appears that it cannot.  I receive errors when entering 2nd task ID in predecessor in grid view.  Additionally, I see no way to add a predecessor task on the Task/Predecessor dialog window.

Not sure if bug or a a new feature request.  If new feature here are some asks:

  1. support multiple predecessor and successor tasks for each task (infinate would be great but at least 20)
  2. enable addition of tasks either from task/gantt grid or from task dialog tabs for predecessor & successor
  3. "link" action/button should also support FS links so high number tasks and drive low number tasks in list.  Right now it appears that then two tasks are selected the link button will always have task with lower # drive higher # task.  MS Project supports the 1st task selected driving the 2nd task selected with link command.

Thank you team for your efforts.


Problem open MS Project XML (Show Duration in 0)

2 comment(s)

Hi, when I try to open xml file from MS Project export, show me all duration in zero. But if I delete assigned resource show me correct duration.

I am testing version 1.5.2

thanks!! great job

Rodrigo Guerrero