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1 Calendar Bug on Mac

Hi there!

I am just getting started with P L and I like the program alot, but there is one major problem: I can't adjust the working times in the Calendar. I tried it in many different ways, but as soon as I click ok and reopen the calendar, it changes back to the standard working times from 8 - 12 and 13 - 17. I tried the same thing on a friends PC, where it is working fine!

Please help me, I don't want to look for an other software!


Thanks a lot!



Spenglerin European User Community Sep, 23, 2014
2 Calendar Bug on Mac

Hi there!

I am just getting started with P L and I like the program alot, but there is one major problem: I can't adjust the working times in the Calendar. I tried it in many different ways, but as soon as I click ok and reopen the calendar, it changes back to the standard working times from 8 - 12 and 13 - 17. I tried the same thing on a friends PC, where it is working fine!

Please help me, I don't want to look for an other software!


Thanks a lot!



Spenglerin European User Community Sep, 23, 2014