
Is it possible BCWP > ACWS or BCWP > BCWS ?

October 21, 2016 - 05:00 am
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A task involves the construction of a wall.
The wall will have 10 rows of bricks.
The planned effort is 10 days for the construction of the wall and it will be necessary 1 day for each row of bricks. One mason will be allocated at this task.
The rate for the mason is $ 10.00 / hour.
So, at the end of the first day, we had one line (row) of bricks completed.
So far so good.
At the end of the second day we had 2 lines of bricks completed.
And then, the mason improved his process and made a half row of bricks more than expected.
At the end of the third day, it was verified 3.5 lines of bricks.
How to represent it in Projectlibre?

Information about this project:
Duration = 10 days
Work = 80 hours
Current work = 24 hours
Complete work percent = 30%
Cost = $ 800.00
Current cost = $ 240.00
BCWS = $ 240.00 (Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled) / (Budgeted Cost)
BCWP = $ 240.00 (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed) / (Cost of Work Performed)
ACWS = $ 240.00 (Actual Cost of Work Scheduled) / (Actual Cost)

At the end of the third day, the mason worked hard and made half line more than expected and he completed 35% of the scheduled job (work performed) but spent 30% of the scheduled job (actual  cost).

Question: is there any way to view the fields as follows:
BCWS = $ 240.00 (Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled) / (Budgeted Cost)
BCWP = $ 280.00 (Budgeted Cost of Work Performed) / (Work Performed=35%)
ACWS = $ 240.00 (Actual Cost of Work Scheduled) / (Actual Cost)


bcws BCWP