
Roll-up resources in a team?

May 29, 2013 - 02:51 am
2 comment(s)

Newbie to both project planning and PL here, So apologies if this is a dumb question. But I'm a believer that the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.


I have a resource called "Team A"

Indented under Team A, I have individual resources "Bob", "Cathy", and "David"

Task 1 is assigned to Team A, taking 120 hours to complete. Bob, Cathy, and David are interchangeable resources for this task, and can work concurrently on it.

Task 2 is assigned to Bob, takes 64 hours and starts at the same time as Task 1

Task 3 is assigned to Cathy, takes 32 hours and starts after Task 2

Task 4 is assigned to David, takes 24 hours, and starts after Task 3


I am using fixed work tasks.


What I would like to see in this simplisitc scheduling problem is

Bob working on Task 2 for eight days, while Cathy and David work on Task 1

Cathy works on Task 3 for 4 days while Bob and David work on Task 1

David works on Task 4 for 3 days, while Bob and Cathy work on Task 1, and all four tasks get completed in three weeks.


What I get is the one-person tasks being completed in the expected 3 weeks, but Task 1 completed in 6 weeks. Knowing the answer, I can assign 200% of Team A to task 1 to make it display right, but is there any way to have PL figure this out?




May 29, 2013 - 03:47 am

Hello Alexy,


In its dialogue I see that the most important part of control are activity durations and the hours that are spent by the resources Bob, Cathy and David each task performed. One suggestion would be to try to change the task type to Fixed Duration. The hours that each resource use in each activity you will be responsible for setting. If 100% is equivalent to 8 hours of work and, if you have Activity A, B, C and D can inform you that it will work on each activity 2 hours, totaling eight hours available. So if you increase to 200% statement indicates that he will work 16 hours. In ProjectLibre tab Resources - Resource Utilization inform you how long each feature will work on each activity. Hope this helps.


November 8, 2017 - 08:54 am

Hi!  I'm new to this but hoping I can get some assistance.

I have created a project and am assigning the resources.  For a set of tasks 1, 2, and 3; I would like to assign resources A & B where:

Task 1 - estimated to take 20 days; will be completed by A (40% of his work time) and B (30% of his work time)

Task 2 - estimated to take 10 days - A (10% of his work time) and B (75% of his work time)

Task 3 - estimated to take 15 days - A (15% of his work time) and B (25% of his work time)

Can Projectlibre calculate the time for all the tasks assuming they can be done in parallel but each resource (A & B) can only work 100% of their time (i.e, 8 hours in my case).

Does this make sense?


Thanks much for any assistance!!