
South & Central American User Group

The ProjectLibre team has a strong interest in the South and Central American community.  One of our co-founders was in the Amazon this Summer and regularly travels in Central and South America.  Our past software is widely distributed in the region and we look forward to your joining this community.  You can also join the Global and other regional communities if that is of interest.

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ProjectLibre “Working with Intention”

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ProjectLibre is the 3rd software company for the founders. The team had a different perspective when launching the company. It is perhaps the experience of being acquired twice.

Remote Workers = ProjectLibre Cloud

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ProjectLibre Cloud is in beta testing. Why is it important for current and future teams? The Future of Work is remote work and hybrid projects.


ProjectLibre users in 10 Smallest Countries in the world!

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The ProjectLibre team spends significant time with the global community.  We were recently speaking with community members in Grenada and also the Vatican.  Research into our community,  identified we have users in all 10 of the smallest populated