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# Title Preview Author Groups Updated
1 Assigning Manhours Rather Than Setting Days

I am working on scheduling a project and am not exactly sure on the dates of each task yet.  I have broken the project into many small tasks.  I have an estimate on how long each task will take.   I want to be able to

Instead of inputting a resource name or a qualtity of workers, I want to be able to assign a quantity of resource type  (like: programmer, or procurement specialist) by referencing the inputted manhours required for the task, and calculating it against the start and finish date for that task.


Is projectlibre capable of this?


Josh111 Global User Group, North American User Community, African User Community, Asian User Community Sep, 23, 2014
2 Assigning Manhours Rather Than Setting Days

I am working on scheduling a project and am not exactly sure on the dates of each task yet.  I have broken the project into many small tasks.  I have an estimate on how long each task will take. 

Since the tasks are controlled by the project deadline, I want to be able to assign a quantity of resource types (like: programmer) rather than assigning names.  I want to do this without overscheduling a resource by naming it too many times.

Josh111 Global User Group, North American User Community, African User Community, Asian User Community Sep, 23, 2014