
European User Community

The ProjectLibre team has a strong focus on building the European Community.  We are co-founded in Europe and in the past have found our open source alternatives to be very popular on the Continent.  You can join both the Global User Group and also the European and other user groups.  We will be posting specific information relative to your user goup.

image group
December 28, 2017 - 15:57 pm
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Liste de ressources

Bonjour, Comment ajouter une liste de ressource (par exemple une liste de collaborateurs d'un fichier excel) dans le tableau ressources d'un projet? Est-ce possible? Comment ranger par ordre alphabétique la liste de ressources?

December 19, 2017 - 19:30 pm
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Days and Dates jumbled up


I am new to this great product but when i open up a new project the days and dates are jumbled up and i cannot see them clearly at all.


Do i have to change some settings or is there an issue with my download

October 25, 2017 - 20:55 pm
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Gantt chart view

I want to make my Gant chart easier to read/edit.

How to do it?  Bigger font? If so how?


August 10, 2017 - 16:40 pm
1 comment(s)

Timeline BEGIN when starting PL

Hi, folks!


Keep trying to use PL since April now.

Have a really annoying problem:

Everytime I start my work project, the timeline shows the project start date and I have to scroll to "today".