European User Community

European User Community

The ProjectLibre team has a strong focus on building the European Community.  We are co-founded in Europe and in the past have found our open source alternatives to be very popular on the Continent.  You can join both the Global User Group and also the European and other user groups.  We will be posting specific information relative to your user goup.

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Completing percent complete filed changes tasks dates

2 comment(s)

I'm facing a weird issue: in some cases, when I complete a field "Percent complete" tasks being moved on the chart. Happens mostly at FF relations. Example on a picture attached. Does anyone have a clue how to solve this issue? I'm using 1.5.9 version (Windows 7)


Version 1.5.9 Saving XML with a baseline problem back again.

2 comment(s)

After being able to install 1.5.9 on Ubuntu 14.04, when there is no deb file on SourceForge (thanks mytrant for the info re the use of alien to convert from rpm) I was disappointed to find that the bug which prevents a project which has baseline set from saving in xml is back.


Version 1.5.9 Missing Ubuntu/Mint/Debian download

0 comment(s)

I have accessed the download section in order to download version 1.5.9 for my Ubuntu system only to find that the "deb" file has nor been uploaded. Is that and oversight or has it been omitted for some other reason and, if so, is there a work around?


Bug with network file storage

1 comment(s)

working on a network for the pod file the saving process slows down significantly, application can get frozen, danger of destroying the pod data file.


XSD for Microsoft Project XML files

1 comment(s)

Hi all,

is there a way to get the XSD for the Microsoft Project XML file type?



How to plan in week numbers instead of date?

3 comment(s)


I would like to see a plan with week numbers instead of having the first day of the week (sunday) per month. 

In order words, instead of having 4 columns with April - 06, 13, 20, 27, I would like to have wk15, wk16, wk17 and wk18

Is this possible?

Kind regards,


Resource Usage Limits

3 comment(s)
Hi All,
I have multiple tasks assigned to same person, and each task takes 5 days to complete.

Translation in Czech

1 comment(s)


I have similar issue like other people from non-english countries, Project Libre is not in Czech in my case. I am able to help with translation as well as support in Czech and Slovak republic.



Libre in Hungarian language

1 comment(s)



Error during importing of MS-PROJECT XML file

1 comment(s)


If i try to import file that respect MS-PROJECT XML schema the application return an error if some tasks does not have start date.

The ms-proejct xsd doesn't seam require start information as mandatory