Global User Group

Global User Group

The ProjectLibre team is fostering a vibrant international community of users.  You can keep up to date by joining the Global User Group. We will post updates, news, events, blogs and many other specific informative in the Regional User Groups.  We look forward to your joining the ProjectLibre community!

Global User Group

Assigning Manhours Rather Than Setting Days

3 comment(s)

I am working on scheduling a project and am not exactly sure on the dates of each task yet.  I have broken the project into many small tasks.  I have an estimate on how long each task will take. 


Recalculating end dates with ETC

0 comment(s)
Is it possible to get the estimated time to completion on a periodic basis, say weekly, and recalculate the end dates?
For example I have a task starting on day 1 with estimated duration of 20 days. On day 8, the person working on this task gives an estimated time of 15.

ComputerWorld names ProjectLibre one of the exciting new open source projects!

0 comment(s)

I wanted to send a quick note out to the community.  Your assistance in the forums and also assisting in getting the word out on @ProjectLibre as a replacement of @MsftProject is really having an impact.


Release 1.5.6

0 comment(s)

Is there somewhere a releasenote available??


Saving as XML w/ baseline hangs-up to 80%

0 comment(s)

Hi guys!

Could you please help me regarding this issue:

When I am saving my project w/ basline as XML format, it only hangs-up to 80%. I tried to remove the baseline and it was saved as XML. The problem here is, I needed all the data including the baseline.


Problem with date interface/way the dates are displayed

1 comment(s)

I am having a problem with the date interface on the top of the time line screen.  It looks as though the way the dates are displayed have been shifted up by a couple of pixles.


Outdent of existing Task causes incorrect reordering

0 comment(s)


User Manual/Documentations in french

1 comment(s)


Could you tell me where can I find a documentation in French regarding ProjectLibre? Thank you in advance.


Timeline in minutes/hours

4 comment(s)


I am using "projectlibre" for a project that last just a few hours.

Using zoom in/ zoom out options, it is possible to  change the visible scale, but it is not enough to see the Gantt chart in detail.

The zoom in option does not go any furhter.


Manual designation of Critical and non-Critical Tasks

4 comment(s)

Can anybody help me figure out how to do this?  Right now Projectlibre seems to automatically make this designation.  I'd like to be able to have control over this piece as it is an important aspect of the gantt image.  

Thank you