Global User Group

Global User Group

The ProjectLibre team is fostering a vibrant international community of users.  You can keep up to date by joining the Global User Group. We will post updates, news, events, blogs and many other specific informative in the Regional User Groups.  We look forward to your joining the ProjectLibre community!

Global User Group

How to filter all current tasks?

4 comment(s)
Is it possible to create a custom filter?
I need to filter out all of the current urgent tasks. They must satisfy following requirements:
  1. Percent Complete <100%
  2. Start date <= today's date

How can I do this?


Resources usage and assignements

1 comment(s)

Dear All, 


Resource constraint and calendar

2 comment(s)

Hi all,

This sw looks great, but coming from MS Project I'm having some issues in finding the same functions.

1) Resources don't seem to be pipelined. Ie if I assign a resource to 2 tasks, these tasks can appear in parallel, even if I set the resource max to 100%.#



1 comment(s)

Project Libre is great, but lacks documentation.

Main use of the program is intuitive, but when you start to work with costs and reports troubles appear.

How do you do?

What are the meaning of fields?


Zero hours task does not appear as milestone

1 comment(s)

I have several tasks in a Gantt Chart with zero hours allocated.  Most of them appear as milestones.  One doesn't.


How do I change back from Actual Usage to Projected Usage?

4 comment(s)

I am part-way into a simulated project and have entered some Actual Start and Finish times.


working hours/times

1 comment(s)

how can i adapt the working days/hours in my project?


Website performance improved

0 comment(s)

There has been a lot of good community feedback on the poor performance of the website.  It has gotten better this week thanks to the work of our community member from Red Hat Mike McGrath!   He and Red Hat are very much appreciated for their support of ProjectLibre.


Corporate Usage of ProjectLibre

1 comment(s)

Hi all,

Does anyone know if this application can be used in a corporate environment?

Thanks in advance.

Amauri Rodrigues Junior


English version

4 comment(s)


I am from Sweden and have downloded ProjectLibre but I got the Swedish version. I don´t want the Swedish version I want the English version. Were can I find the Englis version. Please anyone help me with a link or ..........