ProjectLibre: video introduction
November 25, 2020 - 02:58 am
8 comment(s)

We have released a video introduction to ProjectLibre on our YouTube channel. It is the first of many videos we will release on various ProjectLibre topics. You can access the video here If you subscribe to the ProjectLibre YouTube channel you'll be notified when new videos are posted. We appreciate you being part of the ProjectLibre community. You can spread the word on twitter and social media with #projectlibre
We are looking for user stories so please send to [email protected]. How are you using ProjectLibre? What industry and project types?
How i can change the Time Scale?
Thanks for the introduction!
I little question, how i can change the time scale?
Zoom in, Zoom out
Thanks for the question..... You will see Zoom In and Zoom out in the Ribbon bar. That will change the time scale.
saving the project plan
I have completed a couple of projects but I cannot find them now, any idea where they will have been saved ?
It wouldnt let me save as ?
In reply to saving the project plan by ecsengineering
Strange.... on my Mac with any file sometimes Finder force quit
That is stange and have not heard of in ProjectLibre.... However, on my Mac there are times files don't show and my workaround is to Force Quit Finder and it automatically relaunches and files are shown. Once again, that is not a reply on ProjectLibre but general.
Timescale: Where to adapt to my needs?
I spent already a lot of time finding the option to adapt the timescale. I plan a project that will go on for three years. So it is essential to have the possibility to scale monthly or quarterly for overviews an have it on a weekly basis for short term planning. I found threads that are five years old (or more)...?
Zoom to Month, Quarter or 1/2 Year
You can zoom to week, month , quarter, or 1/2 year....
Go to Task and Zoom in or Zoom out
Annexer un fichier
Je découvre projectlibre. Peut- on annexer des fichiers à certaines tâches exemple invitation ou CR de réunion
Merci de votre réponse et du MOP éventuel
In reply to Annexer un fichier by HANTSON
Joindre des fichiers
Vous ne pouvez pas joindre de fichiers sur la version de bureau. Notre version Cloud en attente autorisera les pièces jointes après notre version initiale. Ce n'est pas prévu sur notre version initiale.