
South & Central American User Group

The ProjectLibre team has a strong interest in the South and Central American community.  One of our co-founders was in the Amazon this Summer and regularly travels in Central and South America.  Our past software is widely distributed in the region and we look forward to your joining this community.  You can also join the Global and other regional communities if that is of interest.

Image group

weekly shifts

1 comment(s)

I am trying to assign a group all the tasks of the projet to be compleated in a particular week.

Extrange behavior of Fixed Cost Column

1 comment(s)

I made a test project with some task containing fixed cost only, resources only and both fixed cost and resources in order to understand the way it works.

Indent and Outdent bugs

4 comment(s)

I'm sorry to say that this product is NOT user friendly. I downloaded the app last evening and started to populate tasks within the "Name" field.