North American User Community

North American User Community

The ProjectLibre team was co-founded in Silicon Valley.  We have traditionally seen over 40% of the users in our open source projects come from the United States.  We will be posting NA specific information in the User Group.  You can join other groups as well if you are interested.


image group

Does FF dependency work?

0 comment(s)

Does FF dependency work?  I enter "1FF" in the Predecessor field of Task 3, but the Finish date of Task 3 does not change to be equal to the Finish date of Task 1.


Where to find a sample project?

0 comment(s)

Is there somewhere a sample project file which contains all major features of ProjectLibre?


Where can I download it?




FF and SS Dependencies

0 comment(s)

Hi, I am just starting with project libre, and everything looks great, easy to use; Thanks for this great tool!!

Iam having a problem with task dependencies, and, if someone could help me, it would be great.

I ll try and explain it simply ))


Resources scheduled for multiple tasks concurrently

0 comment(s)

I'm a new user as of today, so probably a stupid question.  But: I have a resource scheduled 100% for two different tasks.  The Gantt shows that (one) resource being used for both tasks on the same day.


Do you know change interface language to spanish (español)

4 comment(s)

Summary Tasks

0 comment(s)

Is there a way to bold summary tasks?


Task Status

0 comment(s)

I just started using Project Libre and can't seem to find a field that is equivalent to Microsoft Project's "Status" field. Is there a field that identifies tasks as Late, Future, Complete, etc?

Thank you for any help.





Date / Day format

0 comment(s)

Is it possible to show the Day of the Week along with the date?  I want to see what day a particular date is on.


Mike O.


Re-ordering tasks

1 comment(s)

In the task spreadsheet view, I want to type in a list of tasks and then re-order them based on start time. How do I re-order tasks without cutting/inserting/pasting?


Define default day length

6 comment(s)


I am a brand new user of ProjectLibre, so firstly hello!

Apologies if this is something which has been asked before - I've had a quick check of the discussions but can't see anything related - please do point me in the right direction if I've missed something though.