I have just installed ProjectLibre on my new Windows 10 laptop with a high DPI display (3200x1800) and when i run Libre it displays in a really tiny font with just about unuseable icons.
Newbie here but how do you search for topics in the user groups? The search functions doesn't seem all that great. If it were, I'd stop posting so much!
I am working on a project using duration settings in hours. When you zoom in to show the hours, it starts at 0:00 ... is there a way to change the display to a different start time ... say, 8:00?
I'm trying to use this to visualise home projects (and comminucate to SWMBO how they are going) - these are all "I do them as I get time" so I'm not bothered about calendars, planned durations, etc.
I've installed versions 1.5.7 and 1.6.2 after that, but they both installed the tool in Portuguese - I work mostly with English, but I can't find a way to change the tool language, neither during installation, nor after it's installed.
I'm having trouble understanding the way assigning resources impact on durations of tasks. For example, let's say I have already created a calendar with non default working time of 9.5 hours per day: 7.30am-12pm and 1pm-6pm. I have also entered