
North American User Community

The ProjectLibre team was co-founded in Silicon Valley.  We have traditionally seen over 40% of the users in our open source projects come from the United States.  We will be posting NA specific information in the User Group.  You can join other groups as well if you are interested.


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May 30, 2014 - 03:07 am
1 comment(s)

Start and Finish Dates

If you put in the calendar that resources can only work 2 hours per day, the cost rolls up correctly yet on the Gantt chart when you put in the duration in days, the start and end dates are not calculated correctly (like they don't respond to the

May 23, 2014 - 01:31 am
2 comment(s)

Can I have multiple Hours Work by Day Settings?

I have a project with multiple people (resources) assigned to it.  One person can work on the project all day, but another can only work 4 hours per day.  How can I set that up in ProjectLibre?  

May 12, 2014 - 08:00 am
2 comment(s)

Changing Calendar Hours

I'm not sure if I missed something but I had a project that was built with the Standard 5-day calendar.  I changed it to six working days with the creation of a new calendar and saved it.  I then went into Resouces and changed the working hours of

May 12, 2014 - 07:51 am
2 comment(s)

Constraints Question

I'm new to ProjectLibre and have created a project and I want to know if there is a way to remove ALL time constraints from a task.

April 28, 2014 - 01:34 am
0 comment(s)

Projectlibre on Ubuntu 14.04?

I have been tried to look for how to install Projectlibre on Ubuntu 14.04. Anyone know about how to install ProjectLibre on Ubuntu 14.04?

March 28, 2014 - 22:01 pm
1 comment(s)

Resource checking in multiple projects

Hello there:

I have multiple projects that the same person's time is shared across.  Is there a way to view their resource usage and tasks across multiple projects, in one view?  Or can this only be done project by project?