
European User Community

The ProjectLibre team has a strong focus on building the European Community.  We are co-founded in Europe and in the past have found our open source alternatives to be very popular on the Continent.  You can join both the Global User Group and also the European and other user groups.  We will be posting specific information relative to your user goup.

image group
March 18, 2014 - 20:53 pm
5 comment(s)

planned and actual value

in project libre , how can i see the planned date and actual date for a work item in the gantt chart ? i want to see the progress information visually..
thanks a lot
March 13, 2014 - 08:03 am
1 comment(s)

Task priority

How do i use the priority of a task to set where it should be among other tasks?

March 5, 2014 - 03:37 am
2 comment(s)

Filtering resources

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone will be able to tell me whether or not in the resource usage view if i can filter it into alphabetical order for the tasks under the resource?