North American User Community

North American User Community

The ProjectLibre team was co-founded in Silicon Valley.  We have traditionally seen over 40% of the users in our open source projects come from the United States.  We will be posting NA specific information in the User Group.  You can join other groups as well if you are interested.


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New Member problems

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Hello All-

    I have been trying to do a little research for my company and I think this is going to be the best option.  I have watched the "Dummy Guide to ProjectLibre" to be able to explain this to my co-workers.  However, the main question that I have is:


Version 1.5.9 Saving XML with a baseline problem back again.

2 comment(s)

After being able to install 1.5.9 on Ubuntu 14.04, when there is no deb file on SourceForge (thanks mytrant for the info re the use of alien to convert from rpm) I was disappointed to find that the bug which prevents a project which has baseline set from saving in xml is back.


Version 1.5.9 Missing Ubuntu/Mint/Debian download

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I have accessed the download section in order to download version 1.5.9 for my Ubuntu system only to find that the "deb" file has nor been uploaded. Is that and oversight or has it been omitted for some other reason and, if so, is there a work around?


Projectlibre on Ubuntu 14.04?

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I have been tried to look for how to install Projectlibre on Ubuntu 14.04. Anyone know about how to install ProjectLibre on Ubuntu 14.04?


Paste Text into Project Libre Notes

4 comment(s)

I am not able to paste text from .doc or xls or other sources into notes. Is there some way to do this? 


Late/over-budget task filter

1 comment(s)

Anyone know what the program is using to trigger the


Release 2.0 for PorjectLibre

2 comment(s)


I have many problems with importation of xml from MSP probably due to calendar settings.  Did somebody know if a new version fix this problem.




Resource checking in multiple projects

1 comment(s)

Hello there:

I have multiple projects that the same person's time is shared across.  Is there a way to view their resource usage and tasks across multiple projects, in one view?  Or can this only be done project by project?

Thanks in advance for your comments.



Change Duartion to Hours instead of Days

1 comment(s)

Hi All,

I'm a new ProjectLibre user and I'm sure this is a silly question, but how can I change the application to display duration as hours instead of days? 


Work Hours

1 comment(s)

My tasks are showing with a 24-hour work day rather than an 8-hour work day.  How can I change that?